Investing has never been easier. Buy mutual funds and ETFs. Get access to free courses on investing. And best of all? Follow and share your investment journey with friends and family. Welcome to the Stack community.
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Stack x me er eid av brukerne, og nå kan du også bli medeier i Stack x me! Bli med på eventyret og følg oss på Folkeinvest for å få beskjed når emisjonen er åpen for tegninger.
Learn the basics of investing with our short video courses, follow your friends and invest in mutual funds and stocks. Take part in the power of compound interest you too!
Get access to more courses in the app, recorded webinars and free events.
49 kr/year
0 kr per month
Take your learning to the next level.
590 kr per år
In this podcast, we explore how smart investments can transform our lives in multiple ways—financially, professionally, and personally.
We delve into the many aspects of investing—from financial freedom and career development to personal growth and well-being.
Through inspiring conversations and real success stories, you'll gain the tools you need to achieve both personal and professional growth.
Our goal is to break down barriers and open up opportunities, regardless of where you start. We aim to make knowledge about well-being and finance accessible to everyone, with a particular focus on reducing the economic gender gap.
Join us and start your investment journey today—because the best investment is the investment in yourself!
Tune in!
Take our 20-minute Academy intro course in the app or sign up for our “7 day challenge” to have the course delivered to your inbox. Receive daily emails for one week, covering all the essentials. On day 7, you will have invested in your first funds.
Hello, Madeleine and Christine here, the founders of Stack. We´re on a mission to democratize finance and make investing more accessible and fun for everyone, especially women. Join our community and let´s reshape the future of the economy together.
Can't find what you are looking for?
With Stack, you get access to investment courses and training at all levels, and you become part of an investment community.
With Stack, you get access to investment courses and training at all levels, and you become part of an investment community.
With Stack, you get access to investment courses and training at all levels, and you become part of an investment community.
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With us you can take courses in investing, follow friends and invest together
Regulated and supervised by Finanstilsynet and Member of the Securities Investment Fund.
Your money is sent directly to the administrator, but if it is with us, it is in a client account in Sparebank 1 SR-Bank where it is protected, and we are also part of the Securities Investment Fund.
See a film about this
All funds on our platform are carefully selected, and are from respected fund houses that we know. The fund you choose to invest in receives your order and generally invests your money on regulated exchanges.