Move your stock savings accounts to Stack

Relocating to Stack is easy and provides you with better oversight

You can move your Stock Savings Account to Stack by completing a form, which you can download here.

The transfer of Stock Savings Accounts must be completed in full; partial transfers are not possible. Fortunately, the transfer of a stock savings account does not trigger any tax implications.

To transfer your stock savings account, you must first have a stock savings account with Stack. To create this, you need to complete your first purchase. Once this is done, you will find your account number under the information section within your account, under your profile - My Investments. Select your preferred account and click on the information icon at the top right. Your account number will be displayed there.

There are no costs associated with transferring your stock savings account to Stack, but please note that the provider you are transferring from may impose a transfer fee.

Please email the complete form to

If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email or message us in the chat.

Huddlestock Investor Services AS manages our fund registry and therefore, Huddlestock will handle the transfer of your stock savings account.

Download the form

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